
At Hermitage Primary School we believe it is important for children to feel proud and included, and a school uniform helps with this. It is designed to be smart, comfortable and easy to look after, it also unites children and boosts self esteem.
All logo uniform is available at Skoolkit in Newbury (formally Trutex). Click here for the link.
We ask that all children wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school.
Our school uniform is as follows:
Foundation |
as above, or:
- Navy blue check/gingham (standard school type)
- Grey tailored shorts
- Sunhat to be worn when appropriate
- Socks must be worn at all times
- Sunglasses are brought in at child’s own risk. School accepts no responsibility.
Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc should be simple and in school colours. Hair should also be tied back if long.
Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child's name.
For safety reasons children should not wear jewellery in school. A wrist watch may be worn and is their responsibility. Earrings are not encouraged, but a single stud in each ear lobe is acceptable. Watches and earrings cannot be worn during P.E. sessions. These must be removed and put in their tray. School accepts no responsibility for their removal or safekeeping.
P.E. Kit
For health and safety reasons it is important that children are properly dressed for any physical activity.
Our uniform for P.E. is as follows:
- Navy blue shorts
- Navy blue tee shirt or Navy blue t- shirt with logo and house colours.
- Navy blue tracksuit bottoms (plain, for outdoor PE)
- Navy blue jumper/sweatshirt (plain or with school logo)
- Trainers for outside activities
P.E. kit should be stored in a named drawstring bag and kept in school all week and returned home for washing at weekends and holidays. All items of P.E. clothing must be named.
For swimming lesson sessions:-
Girls: one piece costume, swimming hat and towel
Boys: swimming trunks (not shorts), swimming hat and towel
For example, Football on field
A change of clothes must be brought in to change into – this must not be PE Kit as children will use the field often when it is muddy!!