The School Admission Process
The West Berkshire School Admissions Team co-ordinate the admissions process for West Berkshire residents. To apply for a school place you must complete the relevant application form (not school registration/application forms).
The application process must be co-ordinated between all Local Authorities and this means that parents must apply to their home LA, even if applying for schools in a different LA.
A School Admissions Guide is produced each year in September for parents applying for their child to start school in the following academic year . The guide includes all the information you need to make your application. Applicants should read the guide carefully to understand what is required.

Applying for a Place
Applicants will need to follow the procedures outlined above when applying either for a first entry place to the Reception year or for admissions to Years 1 to 6. We welcome new pupils at any time during the school year if we have spaces available. Our Headteacher, Mrs Turner, is pleased to meet with prospective parents (and pupils) and offer them a tour of the school. For parents applying for a Reception place, we normally offer this during the autumn term holding 2 open sessions or at other times as appropriate.
Our planned admission number (PAN) is 30 - this means that each year group will normally have up to 30 pupils.

Starting School for the First Time
Every October, a new allocation process begins for parents making applications for the first point of entry into Infant or Primary Schools starting in the next academic year. The year group is known as Reception or Foundation 2.
You should apply for a school place by the closing date in the academic year of your child's 4th Birthday.
Please use this link to access the West Berkshire Local Authority School Admissions pages.

You can find a copy of our admissions form here