Subject Focus - Art

At Hermitage Primary School we deliver a rich and exciting visual arts curriculum. We create opportunities for pupils to explore many different aspects of making, helping them to understand the ways art connects us with our past, helps us embrace the present, and empowers us to shape our future. Designed around the idea that art is far more than a series of technical skills, our holistic curriculum nurtures creative thinking skills and helps ensure our pupils learn through art, as well as about art.
Art allows children to develop their creative imagination, to communicate what they see, feel and think through a range of tools, media and materials. During their time at Hermitage Primary School, our children are given regular opportunities to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. To ensure growth of skills and techniques, learning is built through weaving, layering and revisiting experiences as the children move through the school. Their interests are captured through theme learning, making cross curricular links, giving them motivation and meaning for their learning. Throughout the key stages children’s experience of art is enriched by finding out about famous artists (past and present), working with local art providers wherever possible and exploring our local environment for inspiration. We aim to ensure that all children are given high quality experiences.