Subject Focus - Mathematics

At Hermitage Primary School we follow a teaching for depth approach to mathematics, which is sometimes termed mastery. This approach enables all children to build a firm foundation in mathematics’ skills and master the mathematics curriculum and draws inspiration from a range of sources. Maths is a rich and interconnected subject and our aim is to support children to move fluently between different concepts and different representations of mathematical ideas, through both procedural and conceptual variation. Programmes of study are carefully designed to enable children to make these rich connections across mathematical ideas and to develop fluency, reasoning and their confidence to solve increasingly sophisticated problems.
At Hermitage Primary School we aim to:
- Develop every individual's potential in mathematics by becoming independent, confident and logical thinkers with flexibility of mind.
- Encourage a positive attitude to maths.
- Enable pupils to use mathematics as a tool for life and so foster an awareness of the uses of maths in everyday life.
- Promote an awareness of the uses of mathematics beyond the classroom with the ability to apply skills in a changing world.
- Equip the pupils with numerical skills and mathematical understanding through enquiry and investigation.
- Encourage children to become inquisitive about mathematics.
- Use ICT to consolidate, extend and develop thinking and understanding.
Underpinning our pedagogy, is the belief that all children can learn mathematics and that high quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the wider world and a tool for life.