Subject Focus - Religious Education (R.E.)

At Hermitage Primary School, we believe that religious education should provide a relevant and interactive study of religion, preparing children for later life in multi-faith Britain through an enquiry-based approach to teaching and learning.
We believe that all pupils should have the opportunity to:
- Explore the teaching, beliefs and practices of the principal faiths and belief systems in our society.
- Engage with key questions around those faiths, our life in the world, our values as people, our identity and our responsibilities.
- Reflect on the challenges that are presented by living in a diverse world and to develop skills and attitudes that enable people to live well by successfully accommodating difference.
The role of Religious Education at Hermitage Primary School is to help prepare and equip all pupils for life in contemporary Britain by enabling them to acquire a good level of religious literacy. This means to gain an understanding of the diverse beliefs and religious practices of our faith communities, to understand the non-religious view held by a number of people in our society, and to respect the right of all people to make these very personal choices. Through an enquiry-based approach, children will become critical thinkers and able to identify, investigate and respond to a variety of issues and religious questions.